Effective Training Systems for Husbands and Fathers

Get Stronger & Healthier In Less Time, With Almost No Equipment, and Be The Leader for Your Family

Next Class Begins February 5th, 2023 Apply Below to Claim Your Spot


Coach Ross was with me every step of the way, and gave so much context on WHY we train the way we do in NOMAD Strength.

—Johnathan W.

I lost 30 pounds while working this program and I feel great!

— Bradford C.

This program is a great foundation on growing spiritually, mentally and physically, as well as becoming more disciplined with your time.


If you’re struggling to develop consistency in your life with your health and fitness…

If you’re always trying a new program or diet because you “fell off the wagon again”…

If you’re a father wanting to be a strong and capable leader for your family and community…


How would it FEEL to have your training and nutrition dialed so that you weren’t always bouncing between new programs and diets all the time?

What would it mean to you if you could have such a solid understanding of your own health that you could make adjustments on your own to continue making progress?

Imagine being able to enjoy training and being strong and athletic to be a more capable husband/father/leader in your community.

I created Nomad Strength specifically to help men like you build muscle, create strong habits, and set an example for their families for what strength and leadership looks like.

Nomad Strength is built different, here’s how…

You’re the kind of man who wants to be strong and healthy, aren’t you?

You want to be a capable leader of your family and community.

And yet, in order to become that leader you need to be strong - physically, mentally and emotionally

The way you create that strength is with:

  • True Nomad training. Minimal equipment needed and designed to build muscle, increase strength, and recover properly.

  • Teaching you the HOW and WHY to nutrition, not just the WHAT. Includes natural, healthy foods and a protocol that will get you results without driving you crazy thinking about food all day

  • A tribe of other men, and a coach, who cares about you and is on the same journey to hold you accountable and celebrate your wins.

The problem with creating this for yourself is twofold…

FIRST, making time to take care of yourself when you have other responsibilities, and what to do with that time when you have it is challenging…

SECOND, with everything available out there, it’s easy to feel lost about what actually is the right program and protocol for your unique situation. 

I understand how you can let your own progress fall by the wayside in that situation

For my whole life, I was an athlete that just had to focus on what I needed to do to improve… then, I got married… then, I had a son…now, there’s a little girl on the way too!

What I discovered is that I didn’t need 90 minutes and thousands of dollars worth of equipment to get the results I needed to optimize my role as a husband, father, and business owner. I needed to understand what would get me the best results with a concept I came to know as the “minimum effective dose.”

The result was a training program that I loved doing every day, a nutrition program that was simple to follow and allowed me the freedom to still enjoy life with my family, and a community of brothers that were there to hold me accountable.

I believe that it is our responsibility and obligation as fathers to be physically strong and capable for our families. That’s why I have helped countless men take charge of their health and feel better with their bodies and performance. 

Here’s how it works:

  1. Apply for a Call

  2. If selected, you and I will hop on the phone and talk about where you are currently, where you want to go, and outline a plan of action.

  3. Join the next class and take action!

Apply for a call now so that you can stop program hopping and not seeing the results you want, and start instilling strong habits that will have you loving training, feeling better, and being a strong man in the lives of those around you.


I hear you saying to yourself…

“I don’t have the time to commit, I have a family and other commitments,”


“I’ve tried programs like this in the past, and it didn’t work.” 

But what if…

You only needed a couple, simple pieces of equipment (that you could make yourself if you wanted) and less than an hour per workout?

What if you learned how all of these aspects of health are put together, so you felt confident in your own knowledge to make healthy choices in the future?

Nomad Strength Foundations: 8-week program

  • 8 Weeks of workouts delivered via mobile app, designed to build muscle, increase strength, and save time.

  • An easy to follow Nutrition protocol with video presentation and written guidelines. Includes natural, healthy foods that get you results without driving you crazy thinking about food all day

  • Video modules and lessons diving into various topics, including; nutrition, men’s health/testosterone, goal setting, breathing for stress relief and performance, and more.

  • Weekly 90 minute group coaching calls to get coaching, support, and to help get your goals and systems dialed in.

  • A private Discord chat for daily communication and community building with the other men in the group who care about you and are on the same journey to hold you accountable and celebrate your wins.


Individual coaching — $500 value

Join the next class and you’ll also get two 60-minute Individual coaching calls to help you get even more dialed in with your goals and get any questions you have answered.


You’ll get lifetime access to all of the materials, programs, recordings of calls, and the private chat. Not only that, but you’ll also get any updated material that gets added in to the program and any point in the future.

More results

3 step process

  • Click Apply Now

    Fill out the form to see if the program is right for you, and then schedule a time to hop on a call with me.

  • Discovery Call

    You and I will hop on the phone to talk about exactly where you are right now with your health and fitness, and where you want to be. We will outline a plan on the call for you to begin making positive changes in your life right then.

  • Join the next Foundations Class

    This is where you’ll begin crushing your goals left and right. You’ll start the process of developing habits and discipline that will last a lifetime.


More Success Stories



  • The Nomad Strength program is designed to be minimalistic in its nature. I recommend at least access to 1 or two moderately heavy kettlebells and/or sandbags. Both of which you can DIY if you have the desire.

  • We have men join the program from all over the country, so we try our best to find a time that works for everyone to make them consistently.

  • Time is crucial when you’ve got other commitments and responsibilities. Most Nomad Strength workouts from start to finish are completed under 60 minutes.

  • Great question. Honestly, a lot of this isn’t novel information. What we do is teach you not only the “what”, but the “why” and the “how” of these protocols, so you understand how they apply to your situation. That way you know how to make adjustments and tweaks to your training on your own.

Be the man your family and community are inspired by.